Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sophia Bush Stands Up to Urban Outfitters

I saw this piece of news the other day, and found it pretty interesting. Good for Sophia Bush for standing up to this. Girls shouldn’t feel like they need to eat less. We’re already pressured by society enough; we don’t need clothing lines to help us view ourselves negatively. This isn’t something that should be seen as “okay”.

Sophia Bush has declared war on Urban Outfitters after they marketted a t-shirt with the words ‘Eat Less’ on the front.
The One Tree Hill actress, in an entry on her personal blog, called for them to issue an apology and make a donation to a charity for eating disorders, and said, “It’s like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun. You should know better.”
Sophia wrote, “To promote starvation? To promote anorexia, which leads to heart disease, bone density loss, and a slew of other health problems, not least of all psychological issues that NEVER go away? Shame on you. I will no longer be shopping at your stores. And I will encourage the tens of thousands of female supporters I have to do the same.”source.

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